RFA - Activities Network

Terms & Conditions

By submitting your venue details via the sign up portal https://ukz-uk02473-prd-app.azurewebsites.net and agreeing to the below terms, you agree to become a partner within TLC’s National Activities Network (referred to in the below terms as ‘The Partner’).

‘The Offer’ referred to the below terms is the offer(s) entered as part of the ‘Offer Details’ via the sign up portal.

  1. There is no marketing cost to The Partner for participation in this promotion. The Partner is required to provide The Offer(or Offers) per customer as specified in The Partner sign up submission.
  2. The Partner will receive a briefing email in advance of a promotion launch which will contain all relevant information for being a member of the National Activities Network, including contact details for our Partner support team.
  3. TLC will provide qualified participating customers with a National Activities Network voucher (described from hereafter as ‘The Voucher’) which will entitle the bearer to claim The Offer as stipulated in this agreement.
  4. The customer must present The Voucher, digitally or physically, upon arrival at the venue, or use for online ticket booking, dependent and the venue specific redemption journey agreed with The Partner.
  5. By accepting these terms, The Partner agrees to provide and fulfil The Offer per customer and agrees to be bound by all of the terms of this Agreement.
  6. The Voucher has no monetary value and cannot be redeemed in whole or part for cash or credit.
  7. The Partner shall not charge TLC or their customers for providing the specified offer(s) stipulated in this agreement.
  8. Any additional activities, not stated in this Agreement, will be charged by The Partner directly to the customer at the full price.
  9. TLC shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time by giving seven days’ notice to the partner.
  10. TLC reserves the right to promote The National Activities Network in any format requested by its client. i.e. through all/any forms of media.
  11. The Partner agrees that this agreement shall last for 24 months from the date of signature and will become a rolling agreement post that date until termination by either party. During this time, The Partner will feature in all live campaign activity that includes the National Activities Network.
  12. In the event of termination of this agreement The Partner agrees to honour all promotions that it is currently participating in, if the expiry date of the vouchers is after that of termination.
  13. TLC and its agents and distributors accept no responsibility and in no circumstances will any of them be responsible or liable to compensate the purchaser or other bearer of a voucher, or accept any liability for (a) any non-acceptance by a venue of a voucher or (b) any inability by the bearer to use a voucher properly or at all (c) the lack of quality of any other aspect of any service which is or should be provided at any venue, or (d) the contents, accuracy or use of either a voucher or the venue listing, nor will any of them be liable for any personal loss or injury (other than injury resulting from their own negligence) occurring at any venue.
  14. The Partner must ensure that products, services and equipment used for the offer must comply with applicable regulations and standards, in particular health and safety regulations.
  15. The Partner must ensure that it’s organisation encompasses and works to all relevant safeguarding processes and policies. The Partner must ensure that all safeguarding policies are assessed regularly to ensure relevancy and legal compliance.
  16. The Partner shall maintain during the entire term of this Agreement, all appropriate professional insurance policies, including public liability insurance covering all claims, accidents and damages which could arise from the execution of this Agreement, and all other necessary insurances.
  17. The Partner warrants, represents and undertakes that, (i) neither itself nor its agents, directors, employees, officers and subcontractors have been convicted of any offence involving any Applicable Laws, regulations, rules and codes making provision about slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and about human trafficking including but not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Anti-Slavery Laws”); (ii) having made reasonable enquiries, so far as it is aware, neither itself nor its agents, directors, employees, officers and subcontractors have been or are the subject of any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence of or in connection with the Anti-Slavery Laws; and (iii) it will have, maintain and enforce throughout the Term its own policies and procedures to ensure compliance with its obligations under this clause and the Anti-Slavery Laws.
  18. The Partner undertakes:
    • To offer a high-quality professional service and to provide the same quality of service to the redeeming customer as provided to other regular or standard customers that have not been involved in the promotion; and
    • To keep this Agreement confidential and not to distribute it or reveal the contents of the agreement, outside its employees and affiliates. The Partner undertakes to treat the information provided or distributed by TLC or to which the Partner may have access as part of their relationship, as confidential. In particular, the Partner shall keep the information regarding all the aspects of the operation strictly confidential, including the volumes, prices, rewards, technical or commercial know-how, and shall not disclosure any information to a client or a competitor of TLC. The Partner may only distribute the information mentioned in this paragraph after written agreement from TLC.
  19. The Partner in addition undertakes, during the entire term of this agreement and for 12 (twelve) months after its termination):
    • Not to solicit, approach, contact, or conclude, directly or indirectly, with, a client or a competitor of TLC, a contract with the same purpose as this agreement;
    • Not to divert for its own benefit or in favour of someone else, any business or commercial activity which would have been brought to it by TLC;
    • Not to interfere or attempt to interfere in any agreement entered into between TLC and third parties, including the clients, the potential clients, suppliers and potential suppliers of TLC.
  20. TLC’s maximum liability in contract, tort, or otherwise (including any liability for any negligent act or omission) howsoever arising out of or in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement shall be limited to a sum equal to £1,000 as at the date of such act or omission.
  21. The Partner shall indemnify and keep indemnified TLC from and against all liabilities, costs, claims, actions, suits, proceedings, penalties, expenses, damages and losses (including direct, indirect and consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest, penalties and legal and other professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred by TLC arising out of or in connection with the Partner’s breach or negligent performance or non-performance of this Agreement.
  22. This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).


TLC MARKETING WORLDWIDE UK LIMITED (company registration number 08443661) a company registered in the United Kingdom with its registered address at 54 Baker  Street, London, W1U 7BU (“TLC”)